Thursday, November 11, 2004

rain, rain, go away.

this is a perfect time to melodramatically rant about my day. its raining hard outside. high school students here in st. scho are supposed to be having their intramurals and for starters, their field dance or demo or whatever it is that they're doing were instantly stopped because the rain just poured in without any prior notice. tsk tsk tsk. poor higschools. all those weeks of bloody and sweaty practice has just gone down to the drain. curse you mother nature. you did it again. you drenched all these young girls' day. shame on you! beh!
anyways, this morning i was not able to attend my biology class. if you think that i didnt wake up again on time, well, you are damn wrong. i woke up on time, had a shower and even had a breakfast. on my way to school, i suddenly felt a nasty grumble in my tummy. and with no other options, i headed back to my dorm and, you know, shit the shit out of me. nyuuuck. its a good thing my class didnt have a test or something. whoooo. its feels good to shit when your really wanted and really needed(badly) to shit... haaaayyy.. these are the simple joys of life. its a total bliss. haha..(im getting a little disgusting here.. eeeew.) gotta stop this shit talk or else no one will read my blogs anymore. haha!
this morning, after 3 days of uber so cold treatment from my sister(we had a fight 3 days ago), she finally talked to me. before she left for school, she paused at the door and said "avi, may blueberry cheesecake sa ref. sayo na lang."... well, there was no formal sorry's or apologies. just those simple words meant that we're okay again. thank God. hay, sisters will be sisters. haha.
oh, and before i go, i just want to discuss about what my classmates were talking about this morning. they were talking about lesbianism. and i was a little shock when i found out that some of my classmates whom i've known to be girly-girls are bisexuals and lesbians as well. i DO NOT hate lesbians and gays. its just that i cant grasp the idea of having a mutual relationship with the same sex. what's wrong with being straight?? maybe they don't know the feeling of being courted, and lalo na, the feeling of dating a guy. we girls are blessed because we are meant to be loved and protected and cared for by the guys, and i just dont get it why some others will trade it all just to be a man. i am currently living and studying in an all-girl community, and sometimes its sickening to discuss this matter with them. because they wont even listen-and care. well, that's their life and i respect them for who they are. this morning when they are discussing about their "crushes", i just left them and told them that i was going to the cyber nook. cant stand the idea talking about this issue again. gah. respect. respect each and everyone here. yep.