Tuesday, October 19, 2004

a car-crash. i mean, a jeepney-crash pala...

just last week, my mom and my sister and I were on a jeepney, on our way home to my lola's place in batanagas. we were just sitting silently, contentedly and a little sleepy like most of the passengers that quiet afternoon when suddenly there was a loud bang and a very powerful brake that awakened the hell out of us. half of the passengers went flying forward ( dami nasubsob, tsk tsk ) and its a good thing that we three had a good grip at the bakals or hawakans or whatever it is. its also a good thing that nobody got hurt but everyone was shit scared and shocked. including me. and not because of the reality that the jeepney crashed, but the thought of my mom and sister dying. thank God nothing happned to us. still shaking, we all transfered to the other jeepneys that are scattered and waiting nearby, with the drivers grinning greedily because they can easily and effortlessly fish all the passengers ( selfish assholes! tangina nio di nio manlang tinulungan yun nagbangaan na jeep! mga hayup! ) thank God that all went well that day and we all had a pretty exciting experience to cherish. an experience that has taught us that God hears and answers prayers, no matter how short or long they are. a quick and short "Lord-help!" will do, as long as you mean it.

later that evening i was still lying awake at around 11.30pm. i was still thinking about that incident and i realized something. if my mom, sis and i died that day, for me, it would be okay i guess. because that way we would all be together in heaven. and i know that we three cant leave each other behind and we cant bear if one of us was gone. oh my God what on earth am i saying??!!! geez, talking about death and dying is giving me the creeps. nyikes!

i wonder if the people i know will miss me when im gone? oi bwisit yan nanaman death and dying ulit..!! okay im gonna go now and cut this crap! later...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

unbelievable week

yep, my week has been a crazy one. so crazy and so fast-paced that i dont even remember every detail of it. all i could remember was that i was making plates and floorplans non-stop at night and i was sleeping every minute i can in the morning. when i have spare time in the afternoon i go out with friends and watch a movie and eat and eat and eat. last week i saw two films; shark tale and wimbledon. and im glad the pay's worth it. they're both good movies. oh, yeah and i slept over at jomai's condo and we spent almost 500 pesos worth of food and ate it all night-resulting to a fat tummy and a bad breathe in the morning. all my projects and final tests are done and im supposed to be running to and fro, jumping and screaming my ass off because of happiness and relief that its finally sem break. but im not... i feel weird... ugh.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

A phone call from Ralph that awakened me. Literally.

those of you who already know the "real" me, knows that when im asleep, its like im in a deep commatose. this morning, it was already 11.45 and i was still asleep. and not just laying there in my bed normally, im totally deeply asleep that i didnt even felt that half of my body was already dangling at the side of the bed. well its okay and it happens to all of us. but i'm on a freakin bunk bed and i was at the top!!! man, i was in the brink of falling and crushing my bones. then i recieved a long-distance call from ralph. after 8 rings i found my phone which was buried somewhere in my comforter. he was so sweet and he said that he just called to say hi and check if im okay. thanks to him i woke up and notice the dangerous situation im in. haha. so ralph if you're reading this, i just want to thank you for saving me from falling from my bed. you are my morning hero. haha. and hey, i missed you and other guys back there in abu dhabi. thanks for calling!

its true that God won't leave you in times of trouble. He sends angels to protect us from harm. this morning, he did sent me an angel, through a phonecall from an old friend. haha. it turned out to be a dandy day. cheers!

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Government Warning: Multi-tasking is dangerous to your health. Multi-task moderately, or else you'll go crazy. Like me.

sigh. i've been multi-tasking my ass these past few days: i have been floorplanning for the finals requirement in interior design, been stressing about my fucking permit card, been making a one-bedroom model required for my mechanical drawing for the finals again, been running to and fro inside my uni because of some unfinished business, been eating too much junk food namely burgers and peanut m&ms, been sleeping late and waking up LATER than ever, being hated by my professors because of my imperfect tardiness, been doing some drafts and essays for my com arts just to find out that it was rejected and i have to fucking rewrite it again, been wasting my money because of the endless print outs, been missing some really hot gimmick oppportunities because i have to stay home and finish my projects, been smoking a lot and i mean: a lot, haaaaayyyy... been totally wasted. and tired.

lintik... talaga naman... the things you do when you're a college student. you have to die before you get your final grades. why does it have to be this way? are they really plannning to murder us? is this the training we are doing for our future jobs and careers? now i know why some people end up being farmers and construction workers: they cant stand the so-called "college life"... oh well, i have to go now and continue my projects... and nga pala, to go back to reality and be a college slave again...

Lord give me strength... may i survive this phase of my life where i am literally tired...

oh sem break, sem break... i long for you to come and enlighten me and save me from my misery... i will wait for you no matter what...i will wait...