Thursday, February 24, 2005


my friend Micheal, from DLSU, died last week. i was told by Roan yesterday that she was trying to contact me the other day so i would know this tragic news. Micheal died because of a car accident. Roan said that the car crashed at around 2am, he died around 7am. and i hate myself because i should be crying for a loss of a good friend, but i am not. am i that numb? i should be mourning for my former seatmate who made me laugh, who told me stories about his childhood, who shared the stories he have just read, who was once my inspiration because of his unbelievable intelligence and guts... but i am not crying. i cant feel anything last night. but today i woke up feeling depressed. its only this morning that i felt the sadness, and when i was in the shower, i broke down. sigh. late reaction nanaman ako, kainis.

micheal, wherever you are right now, i just want you to know that i have always appreciated your kindness to me. and that i will never, ever forget you. may you rest in peace my good friend. i'll see you in heaven...